The Four is a new talent show, where three jury members judge singers with a superstar potential. At the start of the season, the viewers get to know four incredible artists hand-picked by three of the top names in music. While The Four members are sitting in their seats, there are other talented singers backstage. They are eager to impress the judges and potentially send one of the participants in the seats home. In The Four, no one is safe, the singing competition never stops and each episode is full of emotion and dramatic turns. We get to know The Great Four in the first episode. A short video explains how and why they were chosen. Then, each participant is introduced with a short ID video and after that, they perform live on stage, show off their skills and demonstrate what type of artists they are. Finally, after a talk with the judges, the singers sit in their seats. From this point onwards, they will have to defend their seats against new participants. Each new participant (aspiring to the seat) is introduced with a short ID video, enters the stage and faces the judges. After a short talk, they perform their audition song. After the performance, the jury members share their first impression and discuss whether the participant is good enough to potentially replace one of The Four.
Now, it is judgement time: each judge will vote either “yes” (a blue ring around the participant) or “no” (a red ring). A candidate for The Four needs three blue rings in order to pass. The jury members vote individually and secretly. The participant is waiting for the verdict with the host on the stage. On the stage, there will appear three rings going from large to small representing our three jury members’ votes. Only if all the rings are blue, can the new participant proceed to face one of The Four members. Any red means leaving the show. If the rings are unanimously blue, the new participant picks one of The Four members to battle for their seat.
After being picked, one of The Four members takes the stage to defend themselves and performs in order prove they should stay in their seat. Then, the aspiring singer takes the stage and performs their second song. The judges share their opinions on each performance separately and then compare them. It is now up to the studio audience to decide who deserves to be part of The Four more. Will The Four member keep their throne? Or will the aspiring singer kick them out and claim the seat? The winner sits in the chair and the seat light turns purple, which means that this participant is safe and cannot be battled again in this episode. From here, one by one, new participants aspiring to the other chairs audition on the stage. Each person who receives three blue rings may face any of The Four members whose seat has not been locked yet. The episode is over as soon as all four chairs have been locked or the time is up. The next episode starts with a spectacular group performance of The Four. After that, they sit in their seats. In the middle of the season, the competition becomes even more extreme as it’s time for The Four singers to battle not only the new participants, but also each other! In every episode, The Four will compete against each other for the immunity in The Four Fight. In the semi-final episode, we give four previous members of The Four the chance to get their seat back for the season finale. In the final episode, The Four members battle against each other. Only one of them will become the big winner of the season.
Format name | The Four |
Type of programme | Entertainment |
Producing country | Poland |
Language | Polish |
Date of premiere | 2020 |
Number of series | 1 |
Directed by | Rinke Rooyens |
TV station | Polsat |
Licence | Armoza Formats |